Wednesday 24 April 2024

Fourth Wednesday in April

 Without wanting to state the obvious, I really think that Stuff has a peculiar quality where the more you have, the more you want, and the more easily you can be sold to. If you see your possessions as things that are always changing and being added to, then you may own a number of one item, say a bag, but still see someone on the street, or an advert in a magazine or on the internet, and think That Bag is a Better Bag, now I need That Bag. If you have one good bag that does the things you need it to do and isn't broken, and you know that one good bag is the right amount, then you are uninfluenceable, and therefore free from Stuff.

You may gather I am determined to have a big declutter. Perhaps the last one?

Sunday 21 April 2024

Fourth Monday in April

 This month is going on a bit isn't it?

Another week, another bunch of resolutions I never get around to. I'm going to a swim this morning so that will take up half the day. In fact it seems to take up so much of my week swimming, but I feel I get so much from it, it's a hard thing to justify cutting back on. I have tidying to do, of course, plan on going for a run - I went for my first in three months last week - and have to sort out something for the supper as the girls have a bunch of clubs on a Monday afternoon. 

So on that note I'd better get on with it.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Third Thursday in April

 Wonderful swim this morning. No gloves and socks, the water is 10 degrees now, and in contrast to last week's adventure, the water today was still and blue, so much so that we all felt urged to take of our caps and swim under the water like mermaids. I never get in my head wet when I'm swimming, and this felt so good and freeing that I had a strong impulse to remove my swimsuit as well, which I resisted. 

Monday 15 April 2024

Third Monday in April

 At the moment, every other week or so I am having confirmation classes with a small group of people roughly my age, and the Priest. It takes place in the evening, by which point I have very little to contribute to any kind of group discussion, especially a quite intellectual, theological one. It's been getting me down a bit as during the day I am bursting with things to say but by the evening all I want to do is lie down somewhere soft and close my eyes. 

I think this is largely in part down to the evening not being my most discussion-y time of day, but I can't help but despair a little at how difficult any kind of thought or discussion is these days, and I have to put that at least partly down to the sea of technology we find ourselves in. Everything is done for us. Everything is instant. You don't have to remember facts, you just look them up. You don't have to remember times or dates, just send a text and check. You don't even have to show up if you don't feel like it, just let people know at the last minute you won't be there. When I was younger before mobile phones, if you said you were going to be somewhere, you made sure you were there. And if someone didn't show up, well that was a pretty big snub and you probably wouldn't arrange to meet with them again any time soon. I don't know what I can do to fix my brain apart from try to use computers and the internet less, but even then it feels like our lives are so enmeshed in this technological way of living, even if I personally abstain,  it's all around me anyway. There are studies beginning to emerge now which suggest a clear link between device usage and early onset dementia. Who is surprised? 

H. forwarded me on an email from Darren Allen lately. I don't subscribe to his website so I'm not sure what he's all about, but H. sent this onto me thinking, rightly so, that this would ring true enough to give me a laugh:

My New Phone

I had a dumb phone, no apps, no internet, but it wasn’t dumb enough; small and light, aesthetically pleasing, with a good battery and an easy and seamless message-writing system. Far too good! So now I have one that is a lot more inconvenient. My new dumbphone is three times the size and weight, so I cannot comfortably carry it in my pocket and must either put it in a bag when I am out and about or, more often, just leave it at home. The battery is far worse, only lasting half a day, so I keep it turned off, switching it on three times a day to see if there are any missed calls or texts. It’s difficult to send texts on my new phone because the software has been designed by, I think, an idiot, so I don’t want to do it. Everyone knows I will only respond to really important texts. And it’s ugly. It reminds me that it is a thing of evil. I am repulsed by it.

Yes, much better! Now to make my fridge, oven, washing machine, laptop and central heating system uglier and more inconvenient.

He was right, it does ring true, and did give me a giggle. And funnily I have had a confusing phone experience this week, which is still yet to be resolved. Until this week I've had a bit of an odd, convoluted set up with my phone. I have a dumphone, an old one, that only texts and calls. It's very inconvenient, so much so that, like Darren Allen, I rarely use it. The sound is so bad that I hate talking on the phone, and everyone, well, my mother, hates talking to me, and texting is so difficult that I basically just ignore anyone that texts me. To make up for this, I also have an old broken smartphone that lives in a drawer, and does nothing except run Whatsapp on my laptop, which is the main thing I use for sending messages. This is all kind of okay, except it means that I check my laptop for messages several times a day, and every now and then get drawn into gossiping about either knitting, swimming or cats in one of my two Whatsapp groups. Probably not the worst thing in the world, but nobody ever comes away from a computer screen feeling refreshed. It also means that I am in fairly constant contact with a lot of my friends, so when we say, meet for a coffee, there isn't a lot of news to tell. 

So fortuitously (possibly) a friend offered me a mobile phone that she had sat in a drawer. I think it's what's called a feature phone, and it apparently does various things, social media and camera and such, but does it all very badly. That's fine, and I won't be using that anyway. What it also does it whatsapp, so now whatsapp is off of the drawer-phone and computer, and is just, in very basic form, on this mobile phone. I can also make phone calls in which both parties can hear each other, and with some patience I am able to send a text - although given that I am quite out of the habit now anyway that's not really an issue. 

The only thing is that this phone is so basic that I keep getting messages saying this or that isn't supported. It doesn't look like I can really send or receive pictures, and I am fairly certain that I can no longer make a video call to my Mum. Now here is the conflict: I don't want any of these things, in fact in an ideal world I wouldn't have a phone at all. I could probably tolerate a fax machine. However, now there is guilt. There is guilt and sadness that I can't do a video call and see my Mum's face in this awful time of her illness. There is a feeling of missing out that I can't contribute to the knitting and swimming groups I started and in which I have made good friends. And that is part of what I mean when I say we are so enmeshed. I have left, and yet I am being clawed back constantly, and there is a moral dilemma now as to whether I am neglecting my relationships and my friends in need. And I can't think of the answer. 

I think currently my only plan is to stick with it and keep trying to keep my treasure in things that are really real, and see if any relief comes with that eventually. Yesterday in church the ladies behind us, who are probably somewhere in age between my parents and my grandparents, were talking about how they don't get on with mobile phones - not even smartphones, just mobile phones - and how they don't like to use them. It was rather a relief to hear, as sometimes these things feel so prevalent, so widespread, it seems there might be no way back. 

Little else to say today. The weather was vile this morning, although is actually fine now, so I cancelled swimming and instead have the day to put on some music and get some real tidying done. 

I called the local cat charity yesterday about adopting a couple of their cats, but was refused because the cats would have access, via a cat flap in our back gate, to the wider world. There's nothing to rage against there, that is the way they do things, but it must be difficult for them to rehome any cats given that we live in a large and very built up city. Unless you lie when you are applying, which I couldn't do. It's a funny old world. 

Friday 12 April 2024

Second Friday in April

 Perhaps it is just the weather getting me down. 

I had assumed it was the numerous recent assaults on my nerves, long and short term, and certainly to an extent that will be true, but today the sun was shining and I felt genuinely, helplessly joyful. 

Had a great morning at the beach with friends. We tried to swim in the sea but it was too rough, even for us, but found a spot where we would hang onto the railings for dear life and get battered by freak waves. Not everyone's idea of a good time, but we laughed and laughed. 

Today a pair of trainers I ordered from ebay arrived. I've been avoiding buying online as a rule, but I was after a pair of trainers for mucking about in the summer and couldn't justify the 50 or 60 pounds they would cost in a shop, knowing I could buy a very slightly pre-loved pair for a tenner. They're white and ugly and pretty comfy. 

Thursday 11 April 2024

Second Thursday in April

 I don't own any trousers myself. I'm not a big trouser wearer, I never have been. I've tried jeans a couple of times, and when I was thin I had some skinny cigarette trouser type things, but it's never been my thing really. Today I put on a pair of Will's trousers and they fit. They are wonderful. Are Women's trousers just poorly made and the wrong shape, or do I have a man's bum?

Today I am going for a walk in the park with a friend to collect wild garlic. We went to the beach this morning for a swim but at high tide, and following these storms I suppose, the water was too rough, even for me. 

My house is still a mess. I've done nothing. I guess the herbal teas haven't kicked in yet. 

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Second Tuesday in April

 Good afternoon! Won't stop long, mustn't stop, as the day is nearly over and I'm already underachieving. We came back from being on holiday yesterday so there is the normal heap of chaos to sort through in addition to the usual nonsense of everyday life. I have been out most of the morning at church and then at confirmation prep class so I'm already behind. I had intended to go to an organ recital at lunch time, but missed that once again in favour of spending some time in quiet and prayer before getting on with my jobs. It's so clear that too much of my time is eaten up by fussing about with my house. This is the year where things change. It's been and will be a year of change in so many ways already. 

We are due rain for the rest of the week I think, and this windy storm continues here by the sea, but today the sun is shining so I am going to spend an hour before school pick up opening the windows and at the least getting some supper sorted and unpacking, so I can then enjoy taking the girls to the park without guilt. I have my confirmation class again this evening (this morning was catching up on one that I missed) so it's a full day, and a good start to spring now that the Easter break is over. 

The rest of the week looks busy too, I am helping out the school in the morning tomorrow and meeting a friend for coffee in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday looks like we'll be swimming as long as there's no sewage alerts, and I have the usual domestic jobs to take care of. I am planning this week as well to begin a thorough and systematic decluttering in this house. I think in the past I have use 'do we use it?' as the criteria for whether it stays or goes, but actually that isn't really good enough. I think we all have a lot of hobbies and interests that bring a lot of 'stuff' into the house, especially me, and I think that it's that which needs to be streamlined. So a big week, a good chance for a new beginning. 

That aside, I am also trying to make some good new changes for my health. I am in my mid thirties and am feeling some changes to my energy levels. Partly caused by stress I think, but that doesn't mean there aren't things I can do to take care of that. During lent I stopped drinking, which has been such a blessing as my drinking was starting to get the better of me. Since Easter I have had a couple of drinks out in pubs, which I've not particularly enjoyed, and had a bottle of wine over the course of two days which I have also not particularly enjoyed. I've been thrilled to discover this as I feel it's a vice that I really have broken away from. I also (all but - I did have a cup of coffee after the service every Sunday) stopped drinking coffee, and that too has been a good change. Again, I have had coffee at home since Easter but haven't felt that I am using it in the way that I was to get me through the day. I have bought a few boxes of herbals teas and an expensive flask, and am hoping to see some improvement to my energy levels soon! I am also trying to think more carefully about what I eat, and whether it is the best thing for my poor abused 30-something year old body. Good changes. 

Now, on that note, my hour-long window is getting shorter so I must leap into action. Back when I have something to say.